My Debt Free Life: My Journey to Freedom

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Baby Emergency Fund $1,000 - Completed December 2010

Personal Loan: $1,400

Credit Card #1: $1,697

Credit Card #2: $800

Sunday, September 23, 2007
My Journey to Freedom
My journey to fiscal responsibility, financial freedom, debt-free living, whatever you would like to call it, started several years ago. At that time, I was in my late 20s, had credit card debt (2 or 3), 2 student loans, a car loan, several store credit cards, and my income was close to nothing (I had just finished my B.S. and had re-entered the job market). Oh yes, and I had a child (expensive little things aren't they). I struggled with making payments, although I was never behind. But still the worry was constant - when would I have enough credit to purchase those new clothes, that new car, etc. Whatever it was, I wanted it and I wanted it yesterday.

I have never been a patient person - instant gratification was my motto. Why wait until I had saved enough money to purchase an item when the credit card company was kind enough to mail a piece of plastic to me with which I could buy that thing that I had to have?

Let me preface this by stating that my views regarding financial responsibility have changed in that I look at this from a Christian perspective (everything belongs to God and I should be a good steward of what God has given me).

I was attending church and saw in the bulletin that a financial class was being given (Crown Financial Ministries, their website if you're interested is That's where my journey started. Since that time, I have vowed to become debt-free. I am also an avid reader and listener of Dave Ramsey. Speaking with people about their financial situations, listening to Dave or others who are wise regarding these issues, has fueled my passion for digging myself out of my self-made hole -- and if I can help others along the way, I'm passing that knowledge on.

So with that introduction, I will be posting my budgets, frugal menus and meal plans, ideas on saving money, freebies, links to sites that I believe are truly helpful, and welcoming any/all of your comments and suggestions on these topics.


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