My Debt Free Life: Saving Money...At Christmas?

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Monday, December 10, 2007
Saving Money...At Christmas?
By Lynn Forgy

Over the past several years, as I have become more aware of my finances and how badly I was at managing them, I have become more and more "obsessed" with saving money. This year, I have taken it a step further and have tried to save money at Christmas. This is almost an oxymoron in our society at this time. The television advertisers are blaring at us constantly to SPEND, as are the advertisers on the radio, print, and the internet. Little Johnny must have the newest whatever, and even though he's only 4 his best friend at preschool has one and in order to fit in the little tike must have it! If we teach our children at an early age that material possessions are what defines a person, then of course they're going to want what Jimmy or Betsy has.

Why do we do this to ourselves? The children might be happy for a little while, but then they'll move on and want something bigger and more expensive. And the parent definitely won't be happy when, if you've bought the item or items with your lovely plastic card, your bill comes in January.

I have found that I do much better if I make a list of who I need to give presents to, and then budget the amounts I can spend. Having this piece of paper handy when you hit the mall or other stores can be a lifesaver - if you have something specific in mind, or at least a type of item (a finance book, etc.), you can save yourself a lot of time and money.

Secondly, you could try to talk your other family members into "going frugal" this Christmas. Our gifts exchanged this year must be free, they cannot smell, be dead or alive. This leaves a lot of wiggle room. As I've mentioned before, is a great way to get and give books - for free! There are many other venues in which to find free items - freecycle, coupons, buy one get one offers, even other people's trash (from the curb, of course - people are always throwing away perfectly good furniture).

Homemade items, such as recipe books, purses, etc., can be great gift ideas, free and/or cheap.

Food is a nice gift as well for co-workers, neighbors, church friends, etc.

The internet has a plethora of information on frugal gifts - do your research!

I prefer Like bookmooch. But no points. Also can trade dvds, cds, and video games.

1:59 PM  

I prefer Like bookmooch. But no points. Also can trade dvds, cds, and video games.

1:59 PM  

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