Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pantry Challenge
By Lynn Forgy Perhaps it has to do with my obsessive compulsive disorder (self-diagnosed, of course), but one of my (many) pet peeves is to have items in the cupboard and cabinets that don't belong. Let me explain: when I go grocery shopping, I ALWAYS have a week's worth of dinners and the accompanying ingredients I need. If it's not on my list, I don't buy it. If there is a can of green beans in the cabinet that is not on the weekly menu, I sort of freak out. But then this sort of occurrence turns out to be a blessing when I run short on grocery money (sometimes using it to fund other categories that I hadn't planned on in my budget). I was sent this link in one of the groups I belong to several months ago: Cooking By Numbers. You simply check the ingredients you have on hand, and you are shown some choices and recipes that you could make with the ingredients you provided. To be honest, my cupboards are looking pretty sparse at the moment, with only a few stray cans of vegetables. But if anyone's up for a Pantry Challenge, you could save some money on your grocery bill and apply the savings to your Debt Snowball! |
posted by Krista at 7:31 PM
Thanks for the link to Cooking By Numbers, I went their and it seems very interesting!